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Videnskabelig artikel
Januar 2025
Sofie Koch, Caroline Eckert, Nikos Ntoumanis, Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Chiara Cimenti, Malte Nejst Larsen, Peter Krustrup & Lars Breum Skov Christiansen1
Introduction: Increasing physical activity (PA) levels among children is critical to mitigate health risks associated with physical inactivity. Schools have been highlighted as ideal setting for promoting PA. However, existing school-based PA programs often face implementation challenges. The FIT FIRST 10 (FF10) multi-sport program has been introduced in Denmark, aiming to increase PA and to enhance children’s health, fitness, and well-being. This study evaluates the implementation of the FF10 program for 2nd and 3rd graders.
Materials and methods: The FF10 program was implemented in a 20-week cluster randomized controlled trial across 27 schools. Schools were assigned to a control arm or intervention arms receiving either 3 (full dose) or 1.5 (half dose) FF10 40-min lessons weekly. Teachers received a one-day training session, comprehensive manuals, and necessary equipment. Data were collected from teachers via logbooks documenting implementation fidelity, and an online questionnaire assessing program acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility, and teachers’ capability, opportunity, and motivation for implementing the FF10 program.
Results: A total of 18 intervention schools with 36 classes participated in this study. Program fidelity was high in both intervention groups (2.8 and 2.0 session/week for full and half-dose, respectively). Confidence intervals indicated no differences between the two intervention groups for any outcomes. Teachers (n = 32) in both groups rated FF10 moderately acceptable, appropriate, and feasible (3.5–4.0 out of a potential maximum of 5). Both groups exhibited moderate physical and psychological capabilities (3.5–4.0) and high social opportunities (>4.0), but poor motivation scores (<3.5), particularly regarding the perceived benefits and automatization in delivering the FF10 program.
Conclusion: The FF10 program was almost delivered as intended, but time constraints, limited facilities, and modest teacher motivation might have hindered implementation. Reducing the program’s dosage did not improve implementation outcomes, emphasizing the need for ongoing support to boost teacher motivation and integration of the program into school timetables.
Videnskabelig artikel
December 2024
Lise Maria Elkrog-Hansen, Lars Breum Christansen, Sofie Schulze Morley & Jan Arvidsen
Med udgangspunkt i spørgeskemadata fra 3.336 idrætsefterskoleelever undersøger artiklen elevernes oplevelse af udvikling i otte aspekter af dannelse og sammenhængen mellem individuelle, linjefags- og skolefaktorer og aspekterne. Resultaterne viser, at eleverne oplever en udvikling gennem deres idrætsefterskoleophold i relation til de undersøgte dannelsesaspekter. Analysen identificerer, at særligt: stærkt fællesskab på linjen, linjefagslærernes arbejder med fællesskabet og en værdistyret hverdag er korreleret med dannelsesaspekterne. Diskussionen viser, at sammenhængene er genkendelige ift. eksisterende forskning. Studiet bidrager med øget forståelse for aspekter relateret til elevers dannelse på idrætsefterskoler og der gives et bud på, hvordan dannelse kan operationaliseres og undersøges kvantitativt i idrætsefterskoleregi.
Oktober 2024
LærkeLund Bech & Andreas Bolding Christensen
Evalueringen undersøger, hvordan skolerne lokalt har implementeret Idrætsskolekonceptet, samt hvilke fordele og udfordringer ledelsesrepræsentanter og idrætskoordinatorer oplever ved at være certificeret Idrætsskole.
Formålet med evalueringen er tredelt. For det første skal evalueringen bidrage med viden til en skærpelse og udvikling af Idrætsskolekonceptet. For det andet skal evalueringen medvirke til at Idrætsskolerne bliver klogere på, hvad de i forvejen gør godt, og hvad de med fordel kan gøre anderledes. For det tredje skal evalueringen inspirere andre skoler til at blive certificerede Idrætsskoler.
Videnskabelig artikel
August 2024
Caroline R. Hartmann, David R. Lubans og Lars B. Christiansen
Background: Physical activity that strengthens muscles and bones at least three times per week are recommended, but few adolescents meet this target. The aim of our study was to adapt and evaluate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the Resistance Training for Teens (RT4T) program in Danish lower secondary schools.
Methods: Developed and evaluated in Australia, the aim of RT4T is to provide adolescents with competence, confidence, knowledge, and motivation to participate in resistance training. Translation and adaptation were based on the PRACTIS-guide and involved workshops with physical education teachers. Three 7th-grade classes and three 9th-grade classes were recruited for the feasibility study and followed the program over eight weeks. Participants completed a push-up test, a standing long jump test, and a beep-test before and after the intervention. In addition, they completed a survey about their self-efficacy, motivation, and resistance training competency. Four qualitative interviews were performed with participants and their physical education teachers.
Results: The participating teachers were motivated for the program, but they had difficulties providing students with appropriate feedback. Students were motivated by the equipment, games, and their improvements in fitness, but motivation declined during the program. A total of 57 students completed the physical tests and answered the survey. Resistance training self-efficacy improved significantly, while most other measures improved over time, without reaching significance.
Conclusion: Overall, the RT4T was acceptable and feasible in lower secondary schools in Denmark, but adjustments need to be made to increase the reach and efficacy of the program.
Videnskabelig artikel
Juni 2024
Lise Maria Elkrog-Hansen, Thomas Skovgaard og Jan Arvidsen
De danske efterskoler tilbyder unge mellem 14 og 18 år undervisning og kostskoleliv med fokus på det hele menneskes udvikling, modning og dannelse. I denne artikel undersøger vi, hvordan og på hvilket pædagogisk grundlag én idrætsefterskole anvender stilladsering i deres pædagogiske praksis i introugen. Dette gøres med afsæt i det pædagogiske begreb stilladsering (Wood et al., 1976). Specifikt ser vi på, hvordan skolens værdigrundlag og pædagogiske koncept samt ledernes og lærernes praksis tilsammen spiller en central rolle i stilladseringen af elevernes første tid på skolen. På den baggrund diskuterer vi, hvordan stilladseringen kan påvirke betingelserne for elevernes dannelse og subjektifikation.
Artiklen er baseret på empirisk materiale fra et etnografisk feltstudie på en stor idrætsefterskole, hvor et flermetodedesign med både deltagerobservation og interview blev gennemført. Analysen viser en stærkt stilladseret pædagogisk praksis, der i særlig grad virker gennem funktionerne reducering af frihedsgrader, retningsfastholdelse og demonstration. Diskussionen peger på, at den konsekvente stilladsering kan begrænse elevernes muligheder for subjektifikation og dannelse, der bør foregå gennem frie, selvvirksomme og ikke-forudbestemte processer.
Videnskabelig artikel
April 2024
Katrine Bertelsen, Tine Hedegaard Bruun & Julie Dalgaard Guldager
During periods of COVID-19 Danish schools were forced to conduct the teaching outdoor. This study explored Danish primary school teachers’ and social educators’ experiences with outdoor teaching and outdoor activities during this forced period of outdoor school. Drawing on the thematic analysis of seven group interviews (n = 18) from randomly selected schools, three themes of “outdoor teaching and outdoor activities – in a new disguise”, “another classroom, and “requirements, desire, and everyday things” emerged from the analysis. These forced experiences with outdoor education gave new perspectives on teaching and new opportunities for learning.
Videnskabelig artikel
April 2024
Lars Breum Christiansen m.fl.
Introduction: The aim of this study is to investigate the integration of movement and physical activity (MoPA) within Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE) policies across Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. This knowledge can inform the development of ECTE policies and practices that promote MoPA in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Nordic countries and other countries worldwide.
Methods: In this study, a Nordic cross-national network of researchers collaborated in investigating policy documents at the national and university levels, which govern the education of ECEC teachers. This study was inspired by the Non-affirmative Theory of Education, which provides a framework for understanding the various influences on curricular development in higher education. Based on this, a four-step comparative analytical process of national and university documents across the Nordic countries was conducted. It included keyword search for MoPA related courses and a qualitative description of MoPA in ECTE. Thus, a combination of investigations of policy documents at the national and university level and expert knowledge set a solid foundation for international comparison.
Results: The comparative analysis of MoPA in ECTE reveals diverse approaches influenced by national and university policies. A central theme is the variability in MoPA integration across these nations. Finland and Norway prioritize MoPA with independent mandatory courses. In Iceland, compulsory MoPA courses exist at one of two universities, and in Sweden at three out of 19. All university colleges in Denmark offer an elective course. Furthermore, learning objectives related to MoPA are, to varying degrees, part of the internships in the countries, with Sweden being an exception. In the participating countries, the teachers decide the content of the MoPA courses with little guidance, support, and agreement on essential MoPA content within and across the ECTE’s. Norway has established guidelines, and in Finland, there is a network of ECTE Physical Education (PE) educators, which, to some degree, increases the consistency and quality of MoPA in education.
Discussion: The Nordic countries present diverse MoPA integration approaches rooted in national policies and educational traditions. The findings emphasize the necessity of independent and mandatory MoPA courses, integration of MoPA into internships and promoting networks across the educational and academic sectors to equip future early childhood educators with competencies for fostering physical activity, motor development and children’s well-being.
Videnskabelig artikel
Januar 2024
Thomas Skovgaard, Louise Stjerne Madsen & Lars Breum Christiansen
The aim of this article is to explore the role of local school champions in the facilitation and implementation of “The School Health Program”. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with 26 local school champions. The interviews focused on exploring key implementation responsibilities and barriers and facilitators to implement core program components. Champions identify coordination, promotion, and handling of support functions as key implementation tasks. The findings highlight organizational and structural factors that impact this type of implementation agent. Teachers functioning as champions can be central agents in the implementation of a whole-school program. Champions must, however, be supported by thorough organizational preparation, engaged leadership, and a well-defined distribution of roles.
Januar 2024
Laura Milsø Stephensen
Videnskabelig artikel
Oktober 2023
Marianne Friis Andersen & Thomas Skovgaard
Lærerne i den danske folkeskole skal tage højde for eksplicitte lovkrav omhandlende inklusion og bevægelse i undervisningen. Det er afgørende, at lærere arbejder bevidst med et inkluderende sigte, når de gør brug af bevægelse i undervisningen. Artiklen belyser, hvordan en bestemt gruppe grundskolelærere arbejder med at skabe rammer for en inkluderende bevægelsespraksis. Artiklens empiriske udgangspunkt er et konkret aktionslæringsforløb forankret i Karl Weicks udredninger af forudsætninger for produktiv meningsskabelse. På baggrund af vores analytiske fund påviser vi, at aktionslæringsforløbet og Weicks meningsskabelsestilgang hjælper lærerne med at forankre og skabe mening og retning i arbejdet med inkluderende bevægelsesaktiviteter i praksis.
September 2023
Jonas Vestergaard Nielsen, Louise Briand Thomsen, Laura Milsø Stephensen, Frederik Vørts og Lars Breum Christiansen.
September 2023
Laura Milsø Stephensen og Marie Lillelund
September 2023
Louise Stjerne Madsen, Charlotte Boslev Præst og Thomas Skovgaard
September 2023
Sofie Schulze Morley
Maj 2023
Julie Dalgaard Guldager, Marianne Friis Andersen, Andreas Bolding Christensen, Katrine Bertelsen og Lars Breum Christiansen.
Maj 2023
Katrine Bertelsen & Trine Hemmer-Hansen
Marts 2023
Marianne Friis Andersen & Lars Breum Christiansen
I rapporten fremlægges resultaterne af FIIBLs evaluering af DBU’s indsats Hovedet, Kroppen, Klubben. Formålet er at undersøge, hvordan udskolingseleverne oplever aktiviteter ‘Åben skole’ dagen, og hvordan dagen kan medvirke til at flere unge bliver frivillige i foreningslivet.
Marts 2023
Sofie Schulze Morley
Februar 2023
Danielle Louise Nørager Johansen, Charlotte Boslev Præst, Camilla Marie Larsen, Lars Breum Christiansen & Thomas Skovgaard
I rapporten fremlægges resultaterne af Syddansk Universitets evaluering af Elsass Fondens God Start tilbud for forældre til børn med Cerebral Parese. Det samlede evalueringsforløb dækker perioden januar 2021 til december 2022, og der trækkes på en mængde datamaterialer: Workshops med Elsass Fondens personale, spørgeskemaer til forældre, observationer af fire God Start ophold samt interviews med såvel forældre som Elsass Fondens fagpersonale.
Det overordnede sigte med den forskningsbaserede evaluering er at afgøre rækkevidden af de forskelligartede og centrale antagelser om årsags-virknings-mekanismer i God Start – mellem de aktiviteter, der sker over opholdets fire dage, og de forskellig outcome, Elsass Fonden ønsker, at God Start skal afstedkomme for familierne på både kort og længere sigt.
Videnskabelig artikel
December 2022
BACKGROUND: The Global Matrix 4.0 on physical activity (PA) for children and adolescents was developed to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the global variation in children’s and adolescents’ (5-17 y) PA, related measures, and key sources of influence. The objectives of this article were (1) to summarize the findings from the Global Matrix 4.0 Report Cards, (2) to compare indicators across countries, and (3) to explore trends related to the Human Development Index and geo-cultural regions.
METHODS: A total of 57 Report Card teams followed a harmonized process to grade the 10 common PA indicators. An online survey was conducted to collect Report Card Leaders’ top 3 priorities for each PA indicator and their opinions on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted child and adolescent PA indicators in their country.
RESULTS: Overall Physical Activity was the indicator with the lowest global average grade (D), while School and Community and Environment were the indicators with the highest global average grade (C+). An overview of the global situation in terms of surveillance and prevalence is provided for all 10 common PA indicators, followed by priorities and examples to support the development of strategies and policies internationally.
CONCLUSIONS: The Global Matrix 4.0 represents the largest compilation of children’s and adolescents’ PA indicators to date. While variation in data sources informing the grades across countries was observed, this initiative highlighted low PA levels in children and adolescents globally. Measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, local/international conflicts, climate change, and economic change threaten to worsen this situation.
November 2022
Laura Milsø Stephensen & Louise Briand Thomsen
Oktober 2022
Sofie Schulze Morley, Lise Maria Elkrog-Hansen & Lars Breum Christiansen
Oktober 2022
Jonna Toft & Lars Breum Christiansen
Kort udgave
Oktober 2022
Lars Breum Christiansen m.fl.
August 2022
Louise Briand Thomsen & Laura Milsø Stephensen
Videnskabelig artikel
Maj 2022
Charlotte Boslev Præst & Thomas Skovgaard
Children and youth with disabilities participate less in physical activity (PA) than their peers. This qualitative multiple-case study aimed to assess how municipal practices support PA implementation for these children and youth.
A total of 23 interviews were conducted, which covered participants from different departments and professional positions in two municipalities. Local policy documents were included. A thematic analysis was performed, which was based on Winter’s integrated implementation model and Gittell’s theory on relational coordination.
The study findings indicate how PA implementation for children and youth with disabilities is a complex challenge that involves several departments and agents. The study demonstrates that having an explicit policy that focuses on parasport can positively influence organisational and interorganisational behaviour, and that coordinating consultants seem to play an essential role in PA implementation.
However, there is room for improvement at the municipal level in order to promote a better overall performance in terms of the support for PA participation of children and youth with disabilities.
Marts 2022
Laura Milsø Stephensen & Lars Breum Christiansen
Februar 2022
Charlotte Boslev Præst, Danielle Nørager Johansen, Louise Briand Thomsen, Laura Milsø Stephensen & Lars Breum Christiansen
Januar 2022
Louise Stjerne Madsen, Marianne Friis Andersen, Tine Soulié, Heidi Gabriel, Simon Madsen, Andreas Bolding Christensen & Lars Breum Christiansen
April 2021
Louise Stjerne Knudsen, Tine Lilhav Drelsdorf & Lars Breum Christiansen
Videnskabelig artikel
Lars Breum Christiansen, Ruben Brondeel, Pernille Lund-Cramer, Søren Smedegaard & Thomas Skovgaard
School-based physical activity benefits the health and well-being of children and youth, but students’ activity levels are different. The aim of this study is to evaluate the intervention effect of a school-based physical activity intervention on Health-related Quality of Life for groups with different physical activity profiles at baseline.
The intervention, Move for Well-being in School, targeted PE lessons, in-class activities, and physical activities during recess. It was evaluated in a cluster-randomized design and included students from 4 to 6th grade at 24 Danish public schools.
Survey data on Health-related Quality of Life (KIDSCREEN-27), physical activity variables and socio-demographics were collected prior to intervention and after 9 months. The students were grouped by a latent class analysis using responses on physical activity behavior and physical self-perception: most active and most confident, moderately active and moderately confident, and least active and least confident. Students in the least active group were more likely to be member of a family from lower social class and have an overweight body image.
The multilevel analyses for the (combined) associations of time, intervention and student group showed that the effect of the intervention was different between groups. For the KIDSCREEN dimensions physical well-being, psychological well-being, autonomy and parent relation showed significant interactions (p < 0.1) in favor of the lesser active and confident students in the intervention group.
Videnskabelig artikel
Louise Stjerne Knudsen, Thomas Skovgaard & Thomas Bredahl
In the context of a national physical activity policy, this study explores Danish school teachers’ motivation for using classroom-based physical activity. Through a mixed methods approach, the study reveals a number of key motivational drivers such as supporting teachers’ autonomy, competence and collaboration. Reversely, the study also reveals barriers for integrating physical activity, such as a lack of time, lack of support and lack of appropriate training. Teachers are important facilitators in the integration of daily physical activity. However, work still needs to be done in order to support teachers to integrate physical activity into teaching routines effectively and successfully.
Videnskabelig artikel
Søren Smedegaard, Lars Breum Christiansen, Ruben Brondeel & Thomas Skovgaard
Background: Research in school-based physical activity interventions has primarily focused on effectiveness. The main aim of this paper is to assess the association between the degree of implementation of a multicomponent physical activity intervention and effectiveness on students’ physical self-worth (PSW).
Methods: The Move for Well-being in School study used a cluster randomized controlled study design including 24 schools with a total of 3123 students 4th to 6th grade. 1269 students and 148 educators were, for a whole school-year, part of the activities at 12 intervention schools, The intervention program targeted settings for school-based physical activity in recess, in-class and Physical Education (PE). The association between change in PSW and implementation were analysed using multilevel linear regressions models estimated in R.
Results: Three components were to be implemented at all intervention schools. For PE, half of the performed lessons were from the program, which was in line with the protocol aim. Classes with a higher implementation rate of the PE-component had a significant higher PSW at baseline. An average of 5.8 brain breaks was implemented per class per week, and no significant differences were established between implementation and change in PSW. Recess implementation was the hardest for most schools to implement, but schools with a high level of recess implementation had a significant increase in PSW at follow-up.
Conclusions: This paper explores an important aspect of school interventions, showing that implementation varies both at school and class level and that this potentially has an effect on outcome measures. The discussion point to several methodological difficulties in linking implementation and effects in multicomponent school-based activity interventions. This area of research needs further development to increase the understanding of how physical activity-related interventions are implemented and how this affects final outcomes.
Videnskabelig artikel
Lars Breum Christiansen, Kristine Clausen, Søren Smedegaard & Thomas Skovgaard
School-based physical activity can promote health and improve learning outcomes, but efforts to increase school physical activity have had limited success. This study evaluates the sustainability of a multicomponent school-based physical activity intervention and identifies important factors for implementation and sustainability. Results are based on focus group interviews with 18 teachers at five implementing schools 10 months after the termination of the intervention period. The intervention comprised components related to physical education, recess, and the classroom, and focuses on inclusion for all students. The descriptive analysis of the interviews shows that the intervention is sustained with variation, and activities are adapted differently at the five schools. The deductive content analysis, based on the Framework for Effective Implementation, reveals several important factors for sustainable implementation: School management plays an important role in setting a long-term perspective and giving the intervention priority by securing the necessary organizational infrastructure for implementation and sustainability. The teachers must find the intervention advantageous and to have clear requirements, which entail convincing communication and education by both external and internal intervention advocates. A collective start-up with training and easy-to-use materials should gradually be altered toward individual feedback and development of teachers’ personal curriculum.
Videnskabelig artikel
Lise Maria Elkrog-Hansen, Thomas Skovgaard & Søren Smedegaard
Artiklens formål er at give et styrket indblik i, hvad idrætsefterskoleelever oplever som det særlige ved et efterskoleophold. Formålet er også at komme nærmere på, hvilken rolle idræt spiller i skabelsen af det særlige ved et efterskoleophold. I artiklen er der fokus på den idrætslige praksis i den boldsspilsrelaterede linjefagsundervisning og fællesgymnastik. Artiklen bygger på resultater fra Forskningsinitiativet for Idrætsefterskoler, som er et samarbejde mellem FIIBL og tre idrætsefterskoler. I artiklen gennemføres en tværgående analyse af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse med fundene fra seks kvalitative kandidatspecialer fra Idræt og Sundhedsuddannelserne på SDU.
» “Jeg savner ALT”: efterskoleelevers oplevelse af COVID-19 hjemsendelsen
Maj 2020
Sofie Morley
Videnskabelig artikel
Thomas Skovgaard & Danielle Nørager Johansen
The purpose of this article is to explore core aspects of implementation management and what implementation management entails within the area of school-based physical activity. The article reports on a comprehensive national Delphi study identifying factors of key importance for implementing school-based physical activity. The Delphi study consisted of four phases: 1) Identifying implementation factors related to school-based physical activity reported in the scientific and grey literature; 2) Requesting a total of 65 national area experts to assess and prioritize the identified factors; 3) Interviewing selected national area experts to examine outlier responses; 4) Establishing final consensus on the prioritization of implementation factors identified, ranked and assessed in phase II. In the Delphi study, School management stands out as the factor that overall is considered most essential for successful implementation. The broader research literature on school-based implementation processes confirms the key role that, not least, first-level management, e.g. in the form of a given school’s local management, plays in the further deployment of educational policy changes. To put the findings from the Delphi study into perspective, the article discusses central issues on management of organizational implementation—including current knowledge about change and transformation management. In addition, research specifically dealing with strategic processes related to school-based physical activity is included. Finally, the article delivers core messages on what it takes to succeed with implementation management of school-based physical activity initiatives.
Videnskabelig artikel
T. Coppinger, K. Milton, E. Murtagh, D. Harrington, D. Johansen, J. Seghers, T. Skovgaard, HEPA Europe Children & Youth Working Group, & A. Chalkley
The Global Matrix of report card grades on physical activity serves as a public health awareness tool by summarising the status of child and youth physical activity prevalence and action. The objectives were to: (1) provide a detailed examination of the evidence informing the ‘School’ and ‘Community and Environment’ indicators across all participating European Global Matrix 3.0 countries; (2) explore the comparability of the grades for these two indicators across Europe; (3) detail any limitations or issues with the methods used to assign grades; and (4) provide suggestions on how future grading of the indicators could be improved.
Study design
A comparative review of published methods on the grading of Global Matrix 3.0 indicators across European countries.
Key documents relating to the European countries involved in the 2018 Global Matrix 3.0 were collated and a template used to extract data for both the ‘School’ and ‘Community and Environment’ indicators.
Seventeen of the 20 European Report Card countries (85%) had a grade for schools, and 15 countries (75%) had a grade for community and environment. All countries considered between one and five factors when assigning the grade for these indicators. There were wide disparities in the number and sources of evidence used to assign the grades for both indicators, limiting the comparability of the evidence between different countries.
To enable comparability, the authors recommend moving towards an agreed standardised set of metrics for grading each indicator. Furthermore, it would be useful to develop and share common tools, methods and instruments to collect data in a uniform way across countries, where possible. Such action will ultimately make the Global Matrix a more robust and useful tool for the future.
Videnskabelig artikel
Julie Vang Knudsen, Lise Maria Elkrog-Hansen & Lars Breum Christiansen
School sport participation can promote life skills in children and youth, but teachers could use an explicit teaching approach to fulfil the potential. Therefore, we conducted a participatory teacher development program, which should promote students’ life skills through school sport at three Danish boarding schools.
The aim of this study is to present the program and the teachers’ experiences with the explicit teaching approach and the development program itself.
The study design is based on participatory action research and comprised four phases in which the teachers were involved in the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of a life skills course for their students. The evaluation was based on focus group interviews with the teachers involved.
The teachers found it beneficial to work explicitly with life skills in school sport and stated that the program provided an opportunity to view their practice from a different perspective. Furthermore, they emphasized that school sport could readily be structured in ways that increase the student’s development of life skills. At the same time, the teachers found the explicit teaching strategies challenging due to priority of time and difficulties connecting the sports practice to other life contexts. Finally, the teachers experienced positive and engaged students who most likely increased their understanding of life skills.
November 2019
Niels Christian Møller, Jesper Pedersen, Martin Gillies Rasmussen & Lars Østergaard
Josephine Kvejborg Rasmussen, Lars Breum Christiansen & Thomas Skovgaard
Juni 2019
Andreas Bolding Christensen & Julie Vang Knudsen
Henrik Taarsted Jørgensen
Videnskabelig artikel
Mette Winge Jakobsen, Leena Eklund Karlsson, Thomas Skovgaard & Arja R. Aro
Although important syntheses and theoretical works exist in relation to understanding the organisational factors that facilitate research use, these contributions differ in their scope and object of study as well as their theoretical underpinnings. Therefore, from an exploratory angle, it may be useful to map out the current literature on organisational factors of research use in public health policy-making when revisiting existing theories and frameworks to gain further theoretical insights.
Herein, a scoping review technique and thematic content analysis were used to bring together findings from both synthesised and empirical studies of different types to map out the organisational factors that facilitate research use in public health policy-making.
A total of 14 reviews and 40 empirical studies were included in the analysis. These were thematically coded and the intra-organisational factors reported as enabling research use were examined. Five main categories of organisational factors that advance research use in policy organisations – (1) individual factors, (2) the management of research integration, (3) organisational systems and infrastructures of research use, (4) institutional structures and rules for policy-making, and (5) organisational characteristics – were derived as well as 18 subcategories and a total of 64 specific factors, where 27 factors were well supported by research.
Using a scoping review methodology, the intra-organisational factors influencing research use in policy-making (including individual factors) were systematically mapped and the theories applied in this area of research were assessed. The review findings confirm the importance of an intra-organisational perspective when exploring research use, showing that many organisational factors are critical facilitators of research use but also that many factors and mechanisms are understudied. The synthesis shows a lack of studies on politicians and the need for more theoretically founded research. Despite increased efforts to update the existing evidential and theoretical basis of research use, we still need frameworks that combine different approaches and theories to help us grasp the complex organisational mechanisms that facilitate research use in policy settings.
Videnskabelig artikel
Henrik Taarsted Jørgensen, Sine Agergaard, Michalis Stylianou & Jens Troelsen
In the context of implementing a physical activity policy as part of a national school reform in Denmark, the purpose of this study was to explore lower secondary teachers’ interpretations and perceptions of the physical activity policy with a focus on movement integration. In total, 14 teachers from four different schools were selected to take part in this qualitative study, which involved semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, go-along observations and informal interviews. A thematic analysis framework was employed to identify and describe patterns of meaning within data. The findings showed substantial diversity among teachers’ interpretations and perceptions of movement integration, and consequently a lack of definitional clarity regarding movement integration and a possible misalignment between policy and practice. Teachers’ perceptions and interpretations of movement integration were influenced by other and more prioritised policies and discourses regarding academic achievement, as well as by intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional factors. The findings also suggested a lack of support and collaboration within the school and provided insights into the strengths and weaknesses associated with the autonomy afforded in the Danish school reform.
Videnskabelig artikel
Louise Stjerne Knudsen, Thomas Skovgaard, Thomas Bredahl & Nikolaj Elf
The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with Danish schoolteachers sustained use of classroom-based physical activity and to point out usable ways to support teachers in their professional practice. The study reports on data from in-depth interviews with nine teachers across grade levels and subjects. Supportive elements influencing sustained use of CBPA were: didactical skills; teacher collaboration (including sharing and co-creation of activities); and resources focusing on suitable physical activities. This study underlines that integration of classroom-based physical activity is a reflective teaching practice, and that activities are not just an addition, but something that has to make sense for the content of subjects, for the students and for the individual teacher.
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Jonas Vestergaard Nielsen, Thomas Bredahl, Anna Bugge, Heidi Klakk & Thomas Skovgaard
There is an ongoing need for research focusing on how to implement physical activity programmes into a school setting. This includes documentation of the extent to which programmes are compatible with the basic views of providers and their local practices. The present study explores the Svendborgproject – a programme tripling the amount of physical education in six public schools, sustaining it for 10-years and documenting a decreased incidence of overweight, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. The aim was to analyse provider and programme characteristics of the Svendborgproject to gain insights into providers motives for adopting, implementing, and maintaining the programme. Six school heads and six teachers were interviewed to explore how they perceived programme compatibility to their school’s practice and their own role as providers. Both teachers and school heads found the additional lessons a valuable asset that fitted existing school values and priorities. Additionally, physical education teachers participated in a course providing new perspectives and teaching methods that aided the implementation of the programme. Lastly, school heads stressed that implementation fidelity was heavily dependent on the dedication of physical education teachers and on having simple programme requirements that made it clear what could be expected of the programme.
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Kristian Fahnøe Munksgaard, Christina Haandbæk Schmidt & Thomas Skovgaard
Artiklens ærinde er dels at udforske, hvordan pædagoger kan begribe og udvikle deres professionsidentitet, og dels at udfolde hvilken betydning bevægelse har for en teoretisk forståelse af professionsidentitet. En teoretiske indkredsning af begrebet professionsidentitet kvalificeres via et realist review og en interviewundersøgelse af fire daginstitutionspædagoger. Artiklen konkluderer, at self-efficacy, motivation, affektiv engagement og praksisfællesskaber kan anvendes som analytiske redskaber til at få øje på, hvordan pædagoger udvikler professionsidentitet i kontekster hvor bevægelse har et særligt fokus. Artiklens pointer perspektiveres afslutningsvist i relation til en analyse af læringsforståelser i bekendtgørelsen for pædagoguddannelsen.
Rapport- og materialesamling
Forsknings- og Implementeringcenter for Idræt, Bevægelse og Læring
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Danielle Louise Nørager Johansen, Bjørn Friis Neerfeldt Christensen, Michael Fester, Børge Koch m.fl.
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Salomé, Joel D. Barnes ... Thomas Skovgaard m.fl.
Accumulating sufficient moderate to vigorous physical activity is recognized as a key determinant of physical, physiological, developmental, mental, cognitive, and social health among children and youth (aged 5–17 y). The Global Matrix 3.0 of Report Card grades on physical activity was developed to achieve a better understanding of the global variation in child and youth physical activity and associated supports.
Work groups from 49 countries followed harmonized procedures to develop their Report Cards by grading 10 common indicators using the best available data. The participating countries were divided into 3 categories using the United Nations’ human development index (HDI) classification (low or medium, high, and very high HDI).
A total of 490 grades, including 369 letter grades and 121 incomplete grades, were assigned by the 49 work groups. Overall, an average grade of “C-,” “D+,” and “C-” was obtained for the low and medium HDI countries, high HDI countries, and very high HDI countries, respectively.
The present study provides rich new evidence showing that the situation regarding the physical activity of children and youth is a concern worldwide. Strategic public investments to implement effective interventions to increase physical activity opportunities are needed.
Danielle Nørager Louise Johansen, Sofie Koch, Lisbeth Runge Larsen og Thomas Skovgaard
Danielle Nørager Louise Johansen, Niels Christian Møller, Jens Troelsen & Thomas Skovgaard
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Mette Winge Jakobsen, Cathrine Juel Lau, Thomas Skovgaard, Riitta-Maija Hämäläinen & Arja Aro
This article analyses the use of research evidence (RE) in three policy processes, at the local level, dealing with physical activity. We analysed an extensive number of policy documents and a total of 14 interviews with policymakers. Results show an unsystematic way of using RE, where demographic and statistical data as well as expert consultation were mostly used. Lack of transparency of RE use complicated the tracking of sources from introduction to actual policy impact. It can be concluded that the policymakers engaged in health issues have a wider use of RE than the policymakers working with more sports-oriented issues.
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Jonas Vestergaard Nielsen, Heidi Klakk, Anna Bugge, Marianne Løgtholt Andreasen & Thomas Skovgaard
Schools constitute an important arena for promoting physical activity. However, school-based programmes often face implementation challenges, and the identification of factors influencing the implementation process is considered important in order to secure the effectiveness of future interventions.
The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the various implementation stages during the initial years of a programme tripling the amount of physical education at the primary school level.
Document analysis of publicly available programme descriptions and meeting minutes, were conducted. Document analysis was complemented by two semi-structured group interviews with main programme managers to gather in-depth programme experiences and perspectives.
Results show that early involvement of schools may ensure the best possible match between programmes and the needs and resources of schools, and that an ongoing shared partnership may help programme managers address program challenges in early stages.
It seems that predetermined core elements in programmes are essential. At the same time programmes must be flexible enough for adaptation to individual school contexts. Finally, the implementation of triple the amount of physical education, is supported by teachers receiving a professional development course focusing on how to organise outdoor physical education in different seasons and weather conditions.
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Jonas Vestergaard Nielsen, Thomas Skovgaard, Thomas Bredahl, Anna Bugge, Niels Wedderkopp & Heidi Klakk
Documenting the implementation of effective real-world programmes is considered an important step to support the translation of evidence into practice.
Thus, the aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the adoption, implementation and maintenance of the Svendborgproject (SP) – an effective real-world programme comprising schools to implement triple the amount of physical education (PE) in pre-school to sixth grade in six primary schools in the municipality of Svendborg, Denmark. SP has been maintained for ten years and scaled up to all municipal schools since it was initiated in 2008.
The Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance framework (RE-AIM) was applied as an analytic tool through a convergent mixed method triangulation design.
Results show that SP has been implemented with high fidelity and become an established part of the municipality and school identity. The successful implementation and dissemination of the programme has been enabled through the introduction of a predominantly bottom-up approach combined with simple non-negotiable requirements. The results show that this combination has led to a better fit of programmes to the individual school context while still obtaining high implementation fidelity. Finally, the early integration of research has legitimated and benefitted the programme.
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Louise Stjerne Knudsen, Thomas Skovgaard & Thomas Bredahl
The benefits of physical activity for children’s health, both mental and physical, and its positive effects on academic achievement are well established. Research also emphasises that schools could provide a natural setting for regular physical activity. There is, however, a limited amount of knowledge about teachers’ views when it comes to integrating physical activity as part of teaching. The aim of this study is to understand teachers’ motivation for integrating physical activity as part of teaching and to assess their need for guidance and support.
Methods & Analysis:
The study uses an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design. Schools from across Denmark are included in the sample. The design comprises two separated phases-a quantitative and qualitative phase. The quantitative phase is guided by the self-determination theory where teachers’ motivation will be measured using the Work Task Motivation Scale for Teachers. The theory of scaffolding guides the qualitative phase, which consists of in-depth interviews with participants selected from the quantitative phase based on levels of motivation and on demographic information. In accordance with the study aims, the analysis of data will identify teachers’ internal and external levels of motivation. The purpose of the qualitative phase is to enhance understanding of teachers’ motivation and of their need for support in the use of physical activity in teaching.
Ethics & Dissemination:
All relevant ethics approvals have been acquired. All participants in this study will provide written informed consent prior to data collection. All data emerging from the quantitative and qualitative phase will be anonymised for analysis. Ethics approval was requested from the Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics for Southern Denmark approval ID S-20162000-40 and the Danish Data Protection Agency approval ID 16/15491). The study was deemed not notifiable by both authorities.
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Lars Breum Christiansen, Pernille Lund-Cramer, Ruben Brondeel, Søren Smedegaard, Anne-Didde Holt & Thomas Skovgaard
Physical activity at school can improve the mental health of all children – especially if it targets children’s developmental needs and is carried out in a positive social climate. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of a 9-month school intervention focusing on physical self-worth, self-perceived sport competence, body attractiveness, social competences and global self-worth in children aged 10–13 years.
Taking self-determination theory as its starting point, the intervention was developed and pilot-tested in close co-operation with schools. It targeted 1) PE lessons, 2) in-class activity outside PE, and 3) physical activity during break-time. It used a cluster-randomized design to select 24 Danish schools either for intervention or for control. Survey data on self-perception variables, socio-demographics and physical activity was collected prior to intervention and after 9 months.
A total of 2797 children were included in the analyses. All five self-perception variables increased between baseline and follow-up, and there were no significant differences between intervention and control schools. Sub-group analyses of gender, social class, body image and leisure sport revealed significant differences at baseline for most self-perception variables. For students with no leisure sport participation at the intervention schools, the follow-up results showed a more positive development for global self-worth.
Despite limited overall intervention effects on self-perceived competence and self-worth, the intervention appeared to diminish the gap between those groups with most and those with least self-confidence. Even though many of the new activities and approaches were implemented, some teachers were challenged to create a positive social climate.
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Anne-Didde Holt, Søren Smedegaard, Charlotte Skau Pawlowski, Thomas Skovgaard & Lars Breum Christiansen
Physical activity at school can be beneficial to children’s psychosocial well-being. To realise this potential, a school environment that supports physical activity is crucial. Self-Determination Theory provides the basis for one approach, namely to focus on pupils’ need to feel competent, autonomous and related. The purpose of this study was to investigate how pupils experienced a school physical activity intervention based on Self-Determination Theory and to assess whether the components developed for the intervention appeared to increase the pupils’ sense of competence, autonomy and relatedness, thereby furthering their psychosocial well-being. Two schools were selected to take part in a qualitative case study, with one grade four (ages 9–10) and one grade six (ages 12–13) class selected for closer monitoring. Ten semi-structured focus group interviews were carried out, involving 36 pupils, combined with 28 days of participant observations. The data were analysed based on the principles of deductive content analysis, using competence, autonomy and relatedness in the categorisation matrix. Findings showed that the pupils’ sense of relatedness was central to well-being and influenced their sense of competence and autonomy. Changing the physical activity climate to focus on mastery and learning instead of competing and performance was challenging, but in some instances brought about more positive experiences, especially for pupils with limited motivation in school physical activity. Finally, while being given influence and choice evidently promoted the sense of autonomy, some pupils felt uncomfortable choosing activities on behalf of the group.
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Maja Bertram, Natasa Loncarevic, Christina Radl-Karimi, Malene Thøgersen, Thomas Skovgaard & Arja R. Aro
The present study aims to test out contextually tailored interventions to increase evidence-informed health-enhancing physical activity policy-making in two Danish municipalities.
The study was performed as experiments in natural settings. Based on results from a pre-intervention study defining the needs and contexts of the two settings, the interventions were developed based on logical models. The interventions aimed at increasing the use of knowledge in policy-making, primarily via strengthening intersectoral collaboration. The interventions were evaluated via pre-, post- and 12-month follow-up questionnaires and qualitative interviews were carried out prior to the intervention start.
The use of knowledge changed in several ways. In one municipality, the use of stakeholder and target group knowledge increased whereas, in the other municipality, the use of research knowledge increased. In both municipalities, the ability to translate knowledge to local context, the political request and the organisational procedures for use of knowledge increased during the interventions. There was some variation between the two settings, which shows the importance of tailoring to context. Most of the changes were diminished at the 12-month follow-up.
Contextually tailored interventions have the potential to increase evidence-informed policy-making on health-enhancing physical activity. However, this finding needs to be tested in larger samples and its sustainability must be strengthened.
» The Danish Physical Activity Report Card for Children and Youth 2017
Lisbeth Runge Larsen, Jens Troelsen, Thomas Skovgaard m.fl.
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Kristian Fahnøe Munksgaard, Thomas Skovgaard & Lisbeth Runge Larsen
På legepladsen, i motorikrummet eller på gangene i et dansk dagtilbud støder man helt sikkert på børn, der løber, hopper, tumler eller triller frem og tilbage og ind i mellem hinanden. Det er der mange grunde til at glædes over, og samtidig arbejde for at endnu flere får en fysisk aktiv hverdag i dagtilbud. Det er nemlig sådan, at bevægelse fremmer børns glæde (Sørensen, 2012), og bevægelse har gavnlige effekter på motorisk udvikling, psykosocial sundhed og kognition hos børn i 0-6 års alderen (Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2016).
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Søren Smedegaard, Ruben Brondeel, Lars Breum Christiansen & Thomas Skovgaard
The aim of this study was to address the gap in the translation of research into practice through an extensive process evaluation of the Move for Well-being in School programme using the RE-AIM framework. The purpose was to gain insight into the extent by which the intervention was adopted and implemented as intended and to understand how educators observed its effectiveness and maintenance.
Public schools located in seven municipalities in Denmark were invited to enroll their 4th to 6th grade classes in the project. Of these, 24 school decided to participate in the project in the school-year 2015–16 and were randomly (cluster) allocated to either intervention or control group. A process survey was completed online by school personnel at the start, at midterm, and at the end of the school year. Additionally, informal interviews and observations were conducted throughout the year.
At the 12 intervention schools, a total of 148 educators were involved in the implementation of the programme over the school-year. More than nine out of ten educators integrated brain breaks in their lessons and practically all the physical education teachers used the physical education lesson plans. The educators delivered on average 4.5 brain breaks per week and up to 90% of the physical education teachers used the project lesson plans for at least half of their classes. Half of the educators initiated new recess activities.
A total of 78%, 85% and 90% of the educators believed that the implemented recess, brain break and physical education components ‘to a high degree’ or ‘to some degree’ promoted the pupils’ well-being, respectively.
This study shows that it is possible to design a school-based PA intervention that educators largely adopt and implement. Implementation of the PA elements was stable throughout the school year and data demonstrate that educators believed in the ability of the intervention to promote well-being among the pupils. Finally, the study show that a structured intervention consisting of competence development, set goals for new practices combined with specific materials, and ongoing support, effectively reached a vast majority of all teachers in the enrolled schools with a substantial impact.
Josefine Dalsgaard, Lise Maria Elkrog-Hansen og Thomas Skovgaard
Katrine Bertelsen, Tine Hedegaard-Bruun, Anders Halling, Mikael Hansen & Louise Stjerne Knudsen
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Thomas Skovgaard
The aim of this article is to analyze political decision-making from the point of view of the more recent history of physical education as part of public schools in Denmark. Analytically, the article focuses on policy formulation defined as: the part of a given political decision-making process that includes the establishment of a valid, but not necessarily unequivocal, common understanding, identification, and realization of “the problem,” its importance and potential solutions. In this context, political activities are mainly about influencing the formulation of policy proposals and decisions. Empirically, the article is based on a series of written materials which in a broad or narrow sense can be regarded as public. The article consists of two parts: First a historical part relating to the period from the end of the 1930s to the mid-00s. After this follows an account of the situation as it has been in the most recent years. Past and present developments are finally compared in an attempt to pinpoint probable future directions of the political theme of sport, health, and school.
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Lisbeth Runge Larsen, Jens Troelsen, Kasper Lund Kirkegaard, Søren Riiskjær, Rikke Fredenslund Krølner, Lars Østergaard & Thomas Skovgaard
The first Danish Report Card on Physical Activity (PA) for Children and Youth describes Denmark’s efforts in promoting and facilitating PA and PA opportunities for children and youth.
The report card relies primarily on a synthesis of the best available research and policy strategies identified by the Report Card Research Committee consisting of a wide presentation of researchers and experts within PA health behaviors and policy development. The work was coordinated by Research and Innovation Centre for Human Movement and Learning situated at the University of Southern Denmark and the University College Lillebaelt. Nine PA indicators were graded using the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card development process.
Grades from A (highest) to F (lowest) varied in Denmark as follows: 1) Overall Physical Activity (D+), 2) Organized Sport Participation (A), 3) Active Play (INC; incomplete), 4) Active Transportation (B), 5) Sedentary Behaviors (INC), 6) Family and Peers (INC), 7) School (B), 8) Community and the Built Environment (B+), and 9) Government strategies and investments (A-).
A large proportion of children in Denmark do not meet the recommendations for PA despite the favorable investments and intensions from the government to create good facilities and promote PA.
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Søren Smedegaard, Lars Breum Christiansen, Pernille Lund-Cramer, Thomas Bredahl & Thomas Skovgaard
The benefits of physical activity for the mental health and well-being of children and young people are well-established. Increased physical activity during school hours is associated with better physical, psychological and social health and well‐being. Unfortunately many children and young people exercise insufficiently to benefit from positive factors like well-being.
The main aim of this study is to develop, implement and evaluate a multi-component, school-based, physical activity intervention to improve psychosocial well-being among school-aged children and youths from the 4th to the 6th grade (10–13 years).
A four-phased intervention – design, pilot, RCT, evaluation – is carried out for the development, implementation and evaluation of the intervention which are guided by The Medical Research Council framework for the development of complex interventions. 24 schools have been randomized and the total study population consists of 3124 children (baseline), who are followed over a period of 9 months. Outcome measure data at the pupil level are collected using an online questionnaire at baseline and at follow-up, 9 months later with instruments for measuring primary (general physical self-worth) and secondary outcomes (self-perceived sport competences, body attractiveness, scholastic competences, social competences and global self-worth; enjoyment of PA; self-efficacy; and general well-being) that are both valid and manageable in setting-based research. The RE-AIM framework is applied as an overall instrument to guide the evaluation.
The intervention focuses on the mental benefits of physical activity at school, which has been a rather neglected theme in health promotion research during recent decades. This is unfortunate as mental health has been proclaimed as one of the most important health concerns of the 21st century. Applying a cluster RCT study design, evaluating the real-world effectiveness of the intervention, this study is one of the largest physical activity intervention projects promoting psychosocial well-being among children and youths. Through a comprehensive effectiveness evaluation and a similar substantial process evaluation, this study is designed to gain knowledge on a broad variety of implementation issues and give detailed information on project delivery and challenges at the school level – among other things to better inform future practice.
Josefine Dalsgaard, Kurt Lüders, Louise Stjerne Knudsen, Sofie Gars Holm & Thomas